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Our 2021 Consecration is all about going deeper with God! It's about seeking His face in ways that causes His presence to saturate us! We'll be covering a series of topics to shepherd us deeper into Jesus' nail-scarred hands.

Be sure to check out the below resources that will be updated weekly so we can better live out what we're learning!



Worship Breaks Strongholds

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January 31, 2021

On January 24, Pastor Steve taught about the need to fall in love with Jesus. The only way we will leave everything for Jesus is to love Him. The only way to really love Him is to know Him or "Behold Him." We are called to seek Him and to gaze into His face of grace by spending time in His Word.  


On January 31, Pastor Steve began teaching on the reality that authentic, spirit-filled worship breaks strongholds. When God is—

worshiped in Spirit and truth, it releases God's presence and light and changes everything! Environments—change, people experience peace, and darkness flees!  We need to learn to cultivate this kind of worship because enemies flee when God arises! (See Psalm 68:1) We need our lives, homes, and families filled with the presence of God more than ever!  God desires to break our strongholds and live in the glory of His peace and presence! 





  • Matthew 6:9-10

  • John 3:23-24

  • Psalm 22:3

  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

  • 1 John 1:5


  1. Do you think there’s a significant connection between worship in Spirit and truth (See John 4:24) and the will of God being done on the earth as it is in heaven? (See Matthew 6:10)

  2. If God cast satan out of His presence in heaven, do you think part of God’s will on the earth is to remove darkness from the place God desires to put His Kingdom? (See Luke 10:17-20)

  3. What is the connection between worship and the light of God? (See 1 John 1:5)

  4. What is the effect of true worship on darkness? What does the light of God do to darkness?

  5. Read and meditate upon 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Discuss what these verses mean.  What is the connection between worship and the bringing of every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ? 

  6. What most impacted you personally about this study?What does the phrase “pulling down strongholds” mean in 2 Corinthians 10:4?

  7. What are some ways we can practically apply these truths to our lives?


  • That we will learn to worship God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

  • That we will have worship and thanksgiving on our lips continually throughout our days.

  • That our homes will be filled with worship so the presence of God can saturate our environment.

  • That husbands and wives will regularly worship God together so the presence of God can saturate their relationship.

  • That Abundant Grace will be a Church family whose worship causes darkness to flee!

  • That each of us experiences the breaking of strongholds in our lives!

  • That our friends, families, and co-workers will witness the shift that comes from living a lifestyle of worship!

  • That God’s Kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!


  1. Make an entry in your consecration journal to record your thoughts about this week's teaching. Think about what will happen in your life as you exalt the Lord and release His presence.  

  2. Ask the Lord to reveal the strongholds that may be holding you back. What patterns, sins, and bondages have you identified that need to be broken? Make declaration that you will no longer remain bound and lift up your voice and worship God for who He is in that area you need freedom!


  • Psalm 68:1

  • Isaiah 26:3

  • Numbers 21:4-9

  • John 314

Read, meditate, & Journal your thoughts on the following scriptures


Fasting is a powerful consecration activity that not only disciplines the body but creates clarity and sensitivity to things in the Spirit. We encourage you to pray and to commit to the fast the Lord is calling you.

Organic Vegetables

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Gospel Mission Network is a DBA of Jesus Reigns International, Inc.

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