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Writer's picture: Steve HannettSteve Hannett

By Steve Hannett

"But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them." — 2 Corinthians 4:3–4, NKJV

Imagine for a moment someone asked to blindfold you for the rest of your life. You would still have to take a shower, get dressed, drive to work, perform at your job, make dinner, parent your children, and everything else you normally do. Any volunteers? I didn't think so. Our sight, the ability to see the light, is too valuable to sacrifice.

As scary as this may be in the natural, it's even more so in the spirit. The apostle Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthian Church revealing the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus' victory over sin and death. He describes that it hasn't been hidden but has been manifested to all. He goes on to reveal that those who don't receive the Gospel have had their minds blinded by the devil preventing them from seeing the "...light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ".

What is this light? It's the "light of the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ"! Paul was saying the devil was working to prevent them from seeing the Person of Jesus! The devil twisted their minds so they could not perceive the image of God, Jesus Christ! (See Colossians 1:15)

Paul doesn't describe the Gospel as simply a nice story or philosophy. Through the Holy Spirit's power, he reveals that the Gospel is the actual release of the glory of the Messiah (Savior). The devil is violently against it because he knows that once a person "sees the light of the Gospel," they will understand the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and become free from his lies.

We desperately need to understand the Gospel is more than a story. It's the power of God! Paul said in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek." (Romans 1:16, NKJV)

Those with unbelieving, hardened hearts are easily veiled by the enemy and wind up dying without Jesus' victory over sin. As a result, they die in their sins and spend eternity in hell with no hope of ever being released from the pain and agony of its torturous fire. Sounds too extreme? Not to Paul, who boldly declared that if you were veiled from the "light," you were perishing.

The Good News is that all who willfully receive God's Word can receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ and simultaneously receive the glory and power of God! The devil can veil no one who comes to God with a willing heart. Refuse all attempts of the devil to twist and pollute your mind to rob you of the power and glory of God!

Receive God's Word. Receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which declares you forgiven, set free, and adopted as a true child of God, whose sin has been forever destroyed. Refuse all doubt and boldly declare and believe God's Word no matter what! Declare it from the rooftops! Shout it so all creation can hear you refuse to allow the devil to veil your mind!

Let's remember that the magi found Jesus, the Savior of the world, because they saw, or more accurately, believed, the heavenly light, the star of Bethlehem. Come to God with a committed heart to receive the fullness of the Gospel and allow nothing to keep you from it. It will bring you to an intimate relationship with Jesus, and your life will be filled with the "light of the glory of Christ." As the famous hymn, Amazing Grace, says, "I was blind, but now I see!"

PRAYER: Father, help me to "see" Your Gospel. I don't want anything to hold me back from receiving the purity of Your Word. I renounce agreement with every thought and scheme of the devil to keep me from You. I submit my heart and mind to You and pray that I will become a child before you. Remove any and every veil from my mind so I may receive and become overwhelmed by the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ! I receive You, Jesus, as my Lord and Savior and turn away from sins and choose to follow You all the days of my life. Thank you, Jesus!



Don’t miss this NEW e-book entitled, Break Through, Seven Ways To Break Out Of A Spiritual Slump! This free e-book will help you get back on track with God and lead you to victory. It is written in a devotional format and will be a blessing to your spiritual walk! DOWNLOAD


The Be Healed Podcast is a collection of teachings and interviews all aimed to equip you and build your faith to received God’s promise of healing! LISTEN NOW


The Miraculous Life is a TV program on the ISN Network Broadcast to over 180 nations. It is a collection of teaches and interviews testifying of the miraculous work of Jesus Christ upon the cross! It is a must-watch for all! WATCH NOW



Steve Hannett is the President of EveryHouse, Host of the Be Healed Podcast, Host of The Miraculous Life TV Show, and the Senior Pastor of Abundant Grace Church. He carries a powerful apostolic and teaching anointing with signs, wonders, and miracles. He leads the EveryHouse School of Leadership, an accredited ministry school powered by BILD International, and works domestically and internationally with Churches & Church Networks to develop Leaders in the way of Christ and His Apostles. He is also an Apostolic Leader with Christ Covenant Coalition.

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